Fee Schedule

In an effort to assist you in keeping your credit union accounts in order, a listing of our service and penalty fees is provided below. Please be advised that the applicable fees will be charged to our CT  Labor Department Federal Credit Union accounts. We recommend that you review your credit union statements thoroughly so that you can reconcile your statements to include any service fees you may have been charged. If you have a question regarding these fees or would like to dispute a fee charged to your acount , please do not hesitate to contact the credit union.

Schedule of Fees
ACH Overdraft Fee $35.00
ACH Stop Payment Fee $30.00
ATM Card Usage Over 8 per month $1.50 each
ATM Card Replacement - first card replaced $5.00
ATM Card Replacement - second card replaced $10.00
ATM Card Replacement - third or more card replaced $25.00
ATM Overdraft Fee $35.00
ATM Chargebacks $50.00
Overdraft- checking $35.00
Copy of Share Draft (check) - member $5.00
Stop Payment Sharedraft (check) $20.00
Return NSF CK 1st time $20.00
Return NSF CK 2nd time $30.00
Payment Personal Bills $5.00 each
Dormant Accounts $5.00 per month after 1 year dormancy
Club - early withdrawal fee $10.00 per withdrawal
Late fee for Loan Payment
After 15 days - plus $25/month until delinquency is paid
Wire Transfer (outgoing) $25.00
Copy of check Corporate -Bank/Teller Check $5.00
Research Fee $20.00
Reconciliation of Statement $25.00 per hour
Foreign Item Collection - deposited check*** $10.00 per item
Check Cashing Fee (must have $100 consistent balance and have other services to avoid fee) $5.00 per check
Reprint Statement $5.00 per month
Bad Address/Returned Statement Fee $5.00 first three offenses then fee becomes $50
Check Cashing Fee  $5.00 when share balance is below $10.00
Share to Share O/D Transfer Fee $15.00 each occurence